The week that was… Natural learning
I didn’t get to do a weekly post last week as we had another birthday and I was too busy! My oldest is now 6! Where is the time going? There’s a lot that’s happened in the last 2 weeks and it’s much too much to write about so I thought this week I’d just give you a look at our last 2 weeks in pictures. Enjoy 🙂
What did learning look like in your home or classroom this week?
Want to see more lovely natural learning?
Click through to these beautiful blogs…
 HippyHappyMama | An Everyday Story | Racheous- Lovable Learning | Memoirs of a Childhood
So colourful!
My daughter has been interested in skeletons but that interest has faded away and was replaced this week by tornadoes. She build lots of tornado shelters, drew tornadoes, found cone-shaped blocks to represent a tornado which knocked the roof of her block house, made a tornado in a bottle, made tornado warning systems, made tornado biscuits firstly from playdough and then real biscuits (ie spirals), read books about tornadoes and watched youtube vids. Oh yes, and lots of dramatic play, such as getting out her map of the world, finding north america (where most of them are) and swirling around it to represent the tornado. So we both know a great deal more about the topic than we did before!
That is so cool! Don’t you love it when they become interested in something and are so passionate and excited about it!
Which watercolours do you use? (The circular ones where you add water). I don’t think we can get these ones in the UK but I am coming to Australia soon and would like to get some while I am there. Thanks.
These ones: https://www.cleverpatch.com.au/products/details/micador-stylist-watercolour-palette
We love them!
Do you need to order them online or are they available in the shops? We will be in Brisbane. Thanks.
Available at the shops! I buy mine at Big W 🙂
which museum were you at? My kids are really interested in the human body at the moment – it looks great!
We were at the Science Centre in Brisbane 🙂
Great. Brisbane is where we are coming to and the science museum was on my to do list!
I’m curious–what is that money your kids were playing with? It looks like play foreign bills. Great pictures and lots of fun stuff going on!
Hi Lori, yes play money! Though not foreign for us 🙂
This is what we have: http://www.entropy.com.au/money-wise-activity-set
Ha! Sorry, I didn’t realize you were from Australia. 🙂
I love how you bring the world and life into your children’s lives. I look forward very much to being able to do all of this with my son. We will be home schooling him as well. Take care.
Thank you Alan 🙂
What gorgeous pictures, and busy time you are having – it looks great! I’m inspired to get out my camera and stop snapping with my phone! Look forward to continuing to follow you, I have a son of a similar age x
Thank you Emma 🙂
Congrats to your six-year-old! My daughter’s the same age. What beautiful art and exploration. A feast of cognitive and emotional benefits for budding lil ones!
Thank you Elle 🙂
i cant wait for my little one to be big enough for the painting! Looks like the girls had a great time.
Oh yes, messy fun in your future!
Very cool and colorful! Since I am sewing frequently these days (teaching myself), natural learning in our house looks like a four year old making her own paper “patterns” with marker and construction paper. How great is it that homeschooling allows the whole family to learn “naturally” together!
Fabulous! I love that too.
I love the whole body painting 🙂 it’s my son’s favourite kind if painting 😉
Could you tell me the name of the worm book please? Thanks
Hi Jenni. It’s called ‘Yucky Worms’. This one: http://www.bookdepository.com/Yucky-Worms-Read-Wonder-Vivian-French/9780763658175
It’s a really good book. Written as a story but with lots of facts included.
Perfect! Thank you. My son is fascinated by creatures that live underground. Especially worms at the moment as we are gardening again after winter.