I’m so excited to share with you something I have been working on for the last month!
We love Christmas! Every year I put a lot of thought into the activities and experiences I’m going to offer the kids. We do an advent calendar so that means I need at least 25 ideas!
Since we’ve been doing it for so long, I really needed some fresh ideas, and I thought, why not also share them with you? Next minute, I ended up with over 120 different things on the list and well, here we are… my first eBook, a homeschooling Christmas guide!
As my kids get older I see that they are still very keen to join in all the Christmas magic, but some of the usual Christmas activity ideas are getting a bit tired at this point. They want more than just simple arts and crafts. My ideas needed to grow with them, and I’m actually super excited to share with them some of the things I’ve come up with!
Inside, you’ll find:
- Over 120 different ideas for the whole festive season (you’ll be set for at least 5 years with this).
- A huge variety of different ideas divided into 10 categories. There are at least 10 ideas in each of the categories: reading/writing, art, craft, maths/science, cooking, community, family connection, mindfulness/self-care, history, and nature.
- Simple activities and prompts, as well as more project like ideas that span days, weeks, or the whole month.
- A list of extra simple ideas to space out the more involved projects.
- Advent calendar templates you can print out to write your notes on for each day.
What age is it suitable for?
I would say from around age 8 up! I wrote the activities with my own children’s ages in mind. My youngest is currently 9, and my oldest is 15. There are lots of things inside to suit both of those ages and beyond. There are also so many ideas that if your child is on the younger end you will find enough to do for this year, and then more ideas you can use in the years to come as they grow (I wasn’t joking when I said it would last you a minimum of 5 years).
It’s super easy to find activities and ideas for younger ages, but not so many for older children, and that’s what I wanted to focus on. Older kids and teens still want to be a part of Christmas traditions too!
Is it just for homeschoolers?
I definitely wrote these ideas with homeschoolers in mind. We unschool, and everything I came up with was things I think my kids would enjoy. Maybe you think it’s weird to include math, or history, or writing in ‘fun’ Christmas activities. The truth is, this is our kind of fun, and we homeschool all year round because learning is life! My kids love this stuff. They could be just as excited about baking a Christmas treat as they are about researching Christmas traditions and presenting their findings over dinner. We’re cool like that.
Do I need lots of supplies for the activities?
No, you don’t. There will be some things, but those are mainly in the art and craft sections. There could be a few things you need, but as homeschoolers we usually have art materials all over the place. I don’t think there are too many activities that you will have to buy a lot of supplies for. Just pick the ones that work for you!
Does it matter where I live?
Nope! Everything can be used whether you live in the Northern or Southern hemisphere. If an activity has a seasonal element, there are ideas for both. I live in Australia myself and it’s often harder to find things that work for us so I definitely wanted everything to be doable irrespective of location.
Are there many activities for teens?
Yes! I have two teens myself, and I want them to have just as much Christmas fun as the younger girls. There are simple ideas as well as longer projects you can offer your teens.
Can I only use this book at Christmas time?
The ideas are all Christmas themed, but, I will say that you could easily change many of them to suit any interest and you would then have heaps of ideas to use in your homeschooling all year round. By reading the book you will get a general feel for the types of things I offer my kids all the time when they are looking for something to do and needing some help in the inspiration department.
If you’re looking for some end-of-year inspiration in your homeschool, I hope you will find it in the pages of this book. Over my last 15 years of parenthood and homeschooling I’ve had a lot of practice coming up with ideas that are fun, engaging, and inspiring. I put a lot of thought into these ideas for my own children, and yours too, and I hope you enjoy them so much!
If you use these ideas I would love to hear about it! Send me an email or tag me on social media. It makes me very happy to see other kids inspired by something I’ve created.
You can get a copy of my eBook below. Merry Christmas! And thank you SO much for your support.
BONUS! For the first 100 people who grab a copy I’ve also included an extra free printable for you! It includes a few pages on reflecting on the year that’s past, and then setting goals for the new year.