What we're reading: Beautiful children's books (and educational too!)
Homeschooling / Literacy

What We’re Reading

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What we're reading: Beautiful children's books (and educational too!)

A couple of months ago I posted about the books that we were currently reading and a lot of people liked the recommendations. So, I’m back with more for you! We’ve been reading some great books lately so I had trouble cutting down my list, but I hope you enjoy them. To read more about any of them just click on the title of the book.

What we're reading: Beautiful children's books (and educational too!)

Stone Girl Bone Girl

What I really love finding for my girls are books with strong female characters who are doing more than aspiring to be princesses and waiting to be rescued. I’m sure you know what I mean. There are enough of those types of books to go around! I recently came across this one and had to get it, especially for my little dinosaur lover. Stone Girl Bone Girl tells the story of Mary Anning, one of the best known fossil hunters. It is about her early life and how she discovered a fossilised ‘sea monster’. The girls especially liked the fact that she made this discovery when she was only a young girl herself! They found it very inspiring.

What we're reading: Beautiful children's books (and educational too!)

Rosie Revere, Engineer

 Speaking of books with inspiring female characters, this one has been often requested again. We’ve had this for a while now and it’s definitely a favourite. Both girls can recite it by heart. It’s the story of a little girl who dreams of becoming an engineer. It also has a lovely message, reinforcing that ‘failure’ is a good thing and helps you to learn and improve. And bonus, it rhymes. I like reading them rhyming stories best, ha!

What we're reading: Beautiful children's books (and educational too!)

What Do You Do With an Idea?

 Now this book was actually recommended to me after my last post! And it was a great recommendation too! We all really enjoy it. It’s a story to inspire kids to pay attention to your ideas, even when they seem a little crazy, and even if others don’t think they’re important. Because big things can come from little ideas! I especially love it for my little unschoolers who are always full of ideas.

What we're reading: Beautiful children's books (and educational too!)

Tree of Life

I mentioned last time how we’d been reading some non-fiction books at bedtime lately. After we finished ‘How Animals Live’ we moved onto this book, ‘Tree of Life’. It’s a really lovely book explaining how all life is interconnected and how living things are classified. I wondered if it would be a little advanced for the girls but they have found it really interesting. Complex ideas are explained in a way that children can understand. And they are obviously listening and taking it in because not long after we read the section on Kingdom Fungi we went for a bush walk and they were very excited to point out all the different types they saw. I really like this book!

What we're reading: Beautiful children's books (and educational too!)

Where Children Sleep

 You may have heard about this one before. Every now and then I see an article pop up on facebook about it. We’ve had it since last Christmas but lately Miss 4 has been taking it off the shelf and spending ages looking at the pictures and asking questions about the children. It’s not technically a kids book but it’s fascinating and eye opening and real. Each page has a picture of a child and a little bit of information about them, accompanied by a picture of their bedroom, or where they sleep. Some of them are quite sad or confronting. It’s been very eye opening for the girls seeing just how different people live all over the world, how much or how little they have, and reading about what their lives are like. It has sparked lots and lots of questions.

What we're reading: Beautiful children's books (and educational too!)


 Seeing an increasing interest in the different types of homes from Miss 4, I ordered her this book. It’s a simple book with beautiful illustrations exploring the many possibilities of what a ‘home’ can be. It’s sparked some research into what different words mean. For example, what is a wigwam? And we’ve also been doing some art inspired by the book about what our home is like.

What we're reading: Beautiful children's books (and educational too!)

Hello Baby

As you might know, we’re preparing for the arrival of another little family member very very soon! So, we’ve also been reading some stories about that! This is our favourite, lent to us by our midwife. It’s beautiful and I love it because it shows the whole story, the labour, the birth, etc. It’s helping the girls know exactly what to expect when the baby arrives, and sparking lots of questions about the process of birth.

What we're reading: Beautiful children's books (and educational too!)

There’s a House Inside my Mummy

Our second favourite would be this one! It is the story of a little boy waiting for his sibling to arrive and explains very simply about the baby growing inside the mother’s tummy and the excitement at waiting to see who is in there.

Well, that’s all for this time! I could go on forever because there’s so many fabulous books. These are the most popular in our house at the moment. Do you have any recommendations for me? What are you reading right now?

If you’d like to discover more wonderful books, you can find the rest of the posts in this series here. Happy reading!


July 3, 2015 at 9:46 pm

We’ve enjoyed lots of your recommendations, have placed Stone Girl Bone Girl on hold at our local library to check it out. We loved There’s a House Inside Our Mummy too and read it lots when I was pregnant with number 2 and 3!!
Good luck for the impending birth 🙂

October 23, 2015 at 8:16 am


I just wanted to know what the front cover of the Tree of Life looks like. Trying to find a copy 🙂

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