Everyday Unschooling: Goals for 2019!

At the beginning of a new year we usually have a chat about some goals or things we would like to do in the coming year, and reflect on all that we have done in the previous year.
I love seeing all their plans and ideas! This year, I came across some printables from Big Life Journal that I thought would go along nicely and showed them to the girls, who were very enthusiastic about them! And oh my gosh, some of their answers bought tears to my eyes. It was so beautiful to witness their thoughts on themselves. I’d love to share it with you, and they have given their permission for me to.

We used the New Year Goal Setting Kit, and really enjoyed it. It started with reflecting on the year past and really encouraged us to think more about different things we had done than we typically would have. There were questions about new things you had learned or tried that year, what was hard at the start of the year but felt easier now, and what things you haven’t learned to do yet.

The gratefulness page had to be my all time favourite! Firstly, I love that this was included. We wouldn’t have thought about this without this prompt. Secondly, the girls answers! Oh, my heart!
‘I am unique’
‘I am loved’
‘I can try new things’
‘I am kind’
‘I can be nice when I’m sad’
‘I have love’

They wrote all of these without any suggestion at all from me and I was just so happy to see what they thought of themselves.

I also really liked the focus on helping others and making a difference. They thought about times they had helped friends, family, strangers, and the planet.

Next up was some planning for 2019. Again, I really liked the focus on kindness and helping others. We had spent lots of time talking about goals in previous years but adding in so many more discussions about how we can help the planet and others I think is really important and am so glad we did this!
There were also questions about things you want to get better at, new things you want to try, and things you want to learn about. The sweetest moment was when Miss 7 wrote down one of the things she wants to learn more about next year as ‘myself’. When I asked her what she meant she said, “I don’t know what all my talents are yet. I want to explore lots of things so I know what my body is capable of”. Oh my gosh, I can’t wait to see what she gets up to in 2019.

They have exciting plans for this year which include: running a sports day with our unschool group, improving their writing skills, new dance classes, netball, flute, lots of books they want to read, sewing, biology, chemistry, lots of outschool classes, starting a nature club, gymnastics, and more!

When Daddy was with us we also filled out the family planning part. Our word of the year is DREAM!

One of our new traditions is also using these conversation cards at dinner! We always ask ‘what was your favourite part of the day’ and we’re adding these to our family connection time over dinner.

So that’s what’s happening in 2019! The beauty of this unschooling life is that plans can change at any time, depending on how we feel. It’s looking pretty great so far though!
You can find the printables we used HERE.
I love your parenting style! Children deserve more from society than to be regarded as property!