100 Ways Essential Oils Can Help You
Essential oils have added so much to our lives! I love the comforting feeling of always having something natural on hand to support our family’s health.
It’s hard to convey just how much you can do with them! They are so much more than pretty smelly things for hippies, ha! So, I thought I’d show you! There are SO many ways they can help every family.
Here’s 100 ways to use some of my favourites…
100 Uses for Essential Oils
1. Peppermint paired with Wild Orange smells divine! Diffuse it as an afternoon pick me up, or whenever you need some focus and alertness.
2. Use peppermint and lavender for head tension. Apply to back of neck and forehead. Make sure not to get it near your eyes.
3. Tummy calmer, dilute peppermint with fractionated coconut oil and rub clockwise on your tummy.
4. Try making your own toothpaste! Use equal parts of bicarb soda and Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, add ten drops of peppermint, stir and store in a glass jar, minty fresh and no nasty chemicals.
5. Soak overworked feet in water, Epsom salts, peppermint, and coconut oil.
6. Diffuse or apply diluted to chest to support clear airways.
7. Add a drop to a cotton ball and place near your car air conditioning vent to stay alert on long trips.
8. Use before exercise to give you a boost.
9. Make up a whipped peppermint foot lotion!
10. Use to repel bugs naturally around the home.
1. Diffuse lemon to neutralize odors.
2. Lemon is uplifting and promotes a positive mood and cognitive ability. Diffuse when you need a lift.
3. Add a couple drops to your dishwasher with some vinegar instead of using ‘rinse aid’. Your dishes will be sparkling and toxin-free!
4. Make an all purpose cleaning spray. In a spray bottle add 1 cup of water, 1 cup of vinegar, and 20-30 drops of essential oils. I like Lemon, On Guard, Wild Orange, Tea Tree, and Oregano. Read more here.
5. Remove sticky labels with lemon oil! Just add a few drops of the oil to the label, wait a minute or so and it will peel right off. It even gets gum out of hair!
6. Relief from seasonal threats. Diffuse or apply topically, lemon, peppermint, and lavender.
7. Make a toxin-free window cleaner. Add 20 drops of lemon to a spray bottle with 1 cup of water and 1 cup of vinegar.
8. Take permanent marker off the walls! Yep, I’ve had to use that one.
9. Dilute Lemon and Tea Tree with fractionated coconut oil and apply to tired, dry, cracked feet.
10. Refresh your kitchen cloths! Soak them in water, detergent, and lemon oil overnight. Wash and dry as usual.
1. Diffuse with a few drops of frankincense for an awesome sleep.
2. Make some purple play dough with lavender oil for some calming and soothing sensory play.
3. Relaxation bath. Add a cup of magnesium salts to the bath with a few drops of lavender and fractionated coconut oil.
4. After a long day rub lavender and lemongrass diluted on feet and legs to soothe sore muscles.
5. Make a roller with lavender, tea tree, and frankincense to soothe bites, cuts, and scrapes.
6. Refresh your mattress. Mix 1 cup of bicarb soda with 10 drops of lavender oil. Sprinkle over mattress, leave for 1 hour and then vaccum up.
7. Diffuse to calm the mind and help reduce anxious feelings.
8. Add a couple of drops to your moisturizer.
9. Make a soothing spray for skin after too much sun.
10. Combine lavender oil with water in a spray bottle, shake well, and use to freshen up areas of the home that need it, such as linen closet, mattress, car.
Easy Air (Breathe)
1. Diffuse in the bedroom for restful sleep during seasonal respiratory discomfort.
2. Make a chest, foot and back rub to support the respiratory system. Dilute 1-5 drops of the blend to in a 10ml roller bottle for easy application.
3. Breathe in for emotional support when feeling anxious or claustrophobic.
4. Put a couple of drops in the bottom of shower of a morning. The steam combined with the oil will clear airways and be an invigorating start to the day.
5. Got someone in the house who snores? Dilute some Easy Air and apply to the bottom of their big toes before bed. I know, sounds weird, but seriously, try it and see!
6. Apply before a workout! Refreshing and supports breathing.
7. Diffuse with On Guard during the winter months.
8. Make DIY shower melts. Like bath bombs for the shower!
9. Diffuse at work to improve concentration.
10. Make your own soothing salve.
On Guard
1. Apply diluted in carrier oil to the soles of the feet and down the spine for extra immune support.
2. Mix 5-6 drops with a half cup of baking soda to clean your bath tub.
3. Add to the water when mopping the floor to get rid of germs.
4. Make your own hand sanitiser without unsafe ingredients. Mix 5 tablespoons aloe vera gel, 4 tablespoons water, 1/4 teaspoon Vitamin E oil and 8-10 drops On Guard in a small squeeze bottle.
5. Disinfect surfaces with a few drops in a spray bottle with water.
6. Spray on the inside of your garbage bin to get rid of smells.
7. Diffuse to help purify the air and create a warm, spicy, and woody aroma.
8. Collect your favorite spices and herbs in a dish of your choosing, add a few drops of On Guard for an uplifting and purifying DIY potpourri.
9. Diffuse whenever you’re worried about what’s going around in winter.
10. Make your own cleaning wipes.
1. Settle a tummy. Dilute appropriately and gently massage clockwise into stomach. It helps so much!
2. Use whenever you have that anxious butterfly in your tummy feeling.
3. Over indulged over the holidays? Digestzen is your friend.
4. Also amazingly helpful for head tension and sinus pressure! Dilute and apply to temples, bridge of nose, and around belly button.
5. Queasiness while travelling? Inhale Digestzen and apply it to your wrists.
6. Feeling bloated? Digestzen again!
7. Diffuse in the car to calm stomachs.
8. Pack for holidays
9. Have on hand when trying new foods.
10. Use 1 drop in a mouth rinse at night if you’ve overdosed on the garlic.
Ice Blue (Deep Blue)
1. Rub diluted on muscles before or after exercise to reduce discomfort.
2. After long hours on the computer, try rubbing this blend diluted on the shoulders, neck, and hands to recover and ease muscle tension.
3. For muscle cramps, try massaging Ice Blue into the area.
4. Apply to hands and feet after gardening.
5. Use on lower back muscles after a day of heavy lifting.
6. Look after yourself. Ice Blue contains Blue Tansy and Helichrysum which can help promote long term muscle, joint and bone health.
7. Tennis Elbow. Apply before you play!
8. Use for occasional joint pain. Ice Blue cools joints and warms muscles.
9. Apply Ice Blue followed by a warm compress to support healthy blood flow and promote a healthy inflammatory response.
10. Combine with Frankincense to enhance the effect.
Note: this oil blend should never be used by those on blood thinning medications.
1. Combine with Lavender and Peppermint and apply to neck to help calm stress and relieve tension.
2. Nourish skin. Frankincense is beautiful for skin! Make up your own face oils with whatever suits your skin (Rosehip, Jojoba, etc) and add a few drops of Frankie. Amazing! Frankincense has been used for centuries for nearly everything related to skin. It’s wonderful for aging skin too!
3. Ditch the hormone disrupting perfumes. Wear Frankincense as a PUREfume to lift your mood. Smells amazing.
4. Overworked Hands? Rub Frankincense on your hands after a long day of gardening or working to promote a normal inflammatory response.
5. Apply 1-2 drops to your temples and the back of your neck to help improve your concentration. It’s also one of the oils in the Intune Focus Blend.
6. Nail health. Dry weather can take a toll on your nails. Try applying Frankincense to strengthen weak fingernails.
7. Use Frankincense to help relieve anxious feelings and create a positive mood! It is one of my absolute favourites for this reason. Try combining Frankincense, Peppermint and Wild Orange essential oil in your hand, rub hands together, and inhale deeply. This mix is also perfect for a three o’ clock pick-me-up!
8. Soak in a warm Frankincense bath to calm the nerves or diffuse Frankincense in the bathroom while you relax in the tub.
9. Muscle & Soreness Relief. Use Frankincense with a cold compress after working out or on a hot day to cool down and relax. Or, use with a hot compress to soothe tired muscles or occasional cramps.
10. Diffuse Frankincense during your morning yoga practice to focus your intention for the day.
11. Apply this essential oil to the bottoms of the feet to promote feelings of relaxation and to balance mood.
12. Combine with Lavender and diffuse for sleep.
13. Diffuse for it’s mood balancing qualities.
14. After showering, add a few drops to a warm, wet washcloth for a final rinse. Enjoy the earthy smell as the steam creates your own personal sauna.
Yep, I know that’s more than 10 for Frankincense but my friends Frankie deserves it. My all-time favourite oil. If I could only have one it would be this one!
1. Apply to warts, surround the area with Fractionated Coconut Oil and apply a drop of Oregano Oil every day for at least a week.
2. Support the immune system with the power of Oregano. Layer on Guard and Oregano on the soles of your feet with Fractionated Coconut Oil and/or Diffuse with the On Guard Protective blend.
3. Concerned about the sanitary conditions of a public place you have just walked on with bare feet? Your feet absorb more than you think. Follow up by applying one drop of Oregano well diluted with Fractionated Coconut Oil.
4. Oregano is also a fantastic respiratory support. Diffuse 1 drop with Easy Air/Breathe at night. Apply diluted down your spine.
5. Chilly in Winter? Dilute just 1 drop in fractionated coconut oil and massage quickly into hands and feet to help warm the body.
6. Clean and Purify surfaces with Oregano oil, you could add a few drops to your cleaning spray!
7. This year, when a change of seasons may have you down, make your own wellness blend by combining 1 drop Oregano, 5 drops On Guard, 1 drop of
Tea Tree, 1 drop of Frankincense, and 1 drop of Lemon. Diffuse or dilute and use topically.
8. Diffuse with other oils to purify the air. Only one drop though or your house will smell like a pizza shop!
9. Apply diluted to distressed toenails. Dilute one drop of Oregano and use to soften cuticles and rough spots.
10. Clean your oven or sink. Mix half a cup of bicarb with 10 drops of Oregano. Add vinegar to make a paste. Brush onto oven/sink and leave for a few hours. Wipe off.
Caution: Oregano is a hot oil! It always ALWAYS needs to be diluted very well. Don’t use on young children either. Remember, in nearly all instances, more Oregano is not the answer. Oregano is one of the most potent essential oils—one drop is all you need.
Tea Tree
1. Apply after shaving to prevent any skin irritation.
2. Great for blemishes, especially combined with Lavender and Frankincense.
3. Refresh Your Wash. Add a couple drops of Tea Tree to laundry detergent.
4. Spray your kids hats and hair with water and Tea Tree to ward off headlice.
5. Tea tree is great for occasional scrapes and skin irritations. Make up an ‘ouchie’ blend with Tea Tree, Lavender, and Frankincense to roll on whenever children get hurt.
6. Apply to feet and toenails if you are showering, swimming or exercising in public, high traffic areas.
7. Chemical-free cleaning. This is an ingredient in lots of my homemade cleaners.
8. Support immune function. Diffuse Tea Tree, or dilute and rub it on the bottom of your feet. Combine with On Guard for even more immune support.
9. Combine 10 drops of Tea Tree with ½ cup baking soda and ¼ cup vinegar to clean the toilet.
10. Soothe skin after too much sun exposure.
Ok, that’s over 100 uses and that’s just the top 10 oils!! These oils are in my ‘must have’ list and were the first ones I ever bought into our home.
Where can you get them?
“Friends don’t let friends buy essential oils from the grocery store!”
I’m only comfortable using the highest quality essential oils on my family’s skin and that’s why, after a lot of time researching the options, I chose doTERRA.
The oils in this post all come in the Home Essentials Kit, which was how I started out. This kit is perfect because, as you can see, it covers SO many uses. It also comes with a free diffuser, and free wholesale membership so you can can continue to buy oils at 25% off whenever you like (no forced ordering or requirement to sell). For me, it was the ideal start. The amount of support you get is also a bonus so that you can learn to use your oils safely and they don’t end up getting dusty on a shelf!
To read more about how I use oils every day, check out THIS POST.
To read about what becoming a wholesale member means, and the options for joining, READ HERE.
To start your own essential oil collection, just follow the instructions HERE. I’d love to be your personal supporter! Spreading the word about things I love makes me happy, if you hadn’t noticed, ha!
Note: Please always be sure to dilute essential oils appropriately. You can find dilution guidelines here, and a dilution chart here. When you become a wholesale member you are supported in learning how to use your oils safely and provided with lots of information to help you on your way.
Really cool!!!
Essential oils are truly amazing. You may add them to vegetable oils, creams, or bath gels. Or you might smell them, rub them on your skin, or put them in your bath.