The week that was… Natural learning
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Just a short post from me this week! Unfortunately we had some sickness in our house this week which wasn’t much fun but nevertheless presented an opportunity for learning.
As I explained in a recent post, Monday’s are cooking days! This week the girls made yummy scones and zucchini slice.
Now that we’re home we tested out our new marbling inks. Miss 3 especially loves them. We are still working on not using too much ink.
Some sketching at project time. Miss 5 is still interested in fairies and wanted to draw this castle from a beautiful book she got for Christmas. She also told me ‘this gives me an idea! I want to make a sculpture of a fairy!’ So we’ll be following that up next week.
Isn’t this cubby cute? It was a Christmas gift from the girls Aunty. It just slips over the dining table, and was custom made to fit our exact table. There was a lot of ‘secrets’ happening in there this week. (The cubby was made by PinkDaisieSkies)
Cutting felt to make a scene together on the felt board.
Unfortunately in the middle of the week, Miss 5 woke in the night with a fever that lasted a few days. First thing in the morning she began her research into exactly how her body creates a fever!
I love the funny little remnants of play I find about the place. Some Magna-Tile castles with some little people and an assortment of other things matched by colour.
Sensory play this week, lovely goop in the water table.
We received our next Little Passports package and this time we’re learning about Japan! I caught this little scene where the girls were pretending to make sushi. I think we’re going to have to try and make some!
For most of the weekend the girls were out and about having fun with their Nanna and Aunty! We had to keep them away from the house while this surprise was being built! A new cubby and swing set for their birthdays! Three very lucky girls. There is going to be lots of fun had in here.
Leave me a comment and let me know what you’ve been up to this week!
Want to see more? Head over and check out the lovely natural learning happening at An Everyday Story and HippyHappyMama.
First of all, I am sorry to hear you all under the weather. We’ve had more than our normal share of illness this winter so I can commiserate. That said, I’m always surprised by the learning that happens despite illness. I hope you are all on the mend for the upcoming week!
Me too! Illness isn’t going to stop anything! lol
I love reading about your week. I linked to your blog in my post this week. We’ve had lots of fun in the snow here. http://joyfulmudpuddles.blogspot.ca/2015/01/our-week-lots-of-imgination.html
Thank you!
Excellent ideas to keep little minds busy and thinking. I love it!
Thanks Donna 🙂
You should definitely try to make sushi! It really is quite fun, and it is a good hands-on experience that kiddos can help with. I made sushi with my nieces and nephews a few years back at “cousins’ camp” using fresh veggies. Even the picky eaters were willing to try this new food, since they took part in making it!
And that looks like cornflour goop, so ignore my previous comment!
Mr 3 is obsessed with sushi and we make it nearly every week. So much fun.